no social media

Why not social media

Social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Twitter, and others are a wonderful way to communicate with family and friends especially those that we do not get to see on a frequent basis. Everyone you’re connected to can see your posts and photos and comment on them, as well as post statements and photos in response. However, these same sites can also provide a wealth of information to the insurance companies and opposing counsel who use it to evaluate you and your personal injury case. This information that you believe is privately shared between you and your contacts is not private at all as the courts have deemed the comments and photos posted to be discoverable evidence in a pending matter if it goes to the character or credibility of you or your case. In every case we have in litigation, one of the first items the opposing counsel requests in their investigation of our client’s claim are their “social media sites” content as it relates to the case at hand.