A traumatic brain injury otherwise known as a (TBI) is any type of sudden damage to your head.  It can occur from a blow to the head or a whiplash movement of the head as well.  Your brain rests upon a brain stem and has the appearance of an ice cream cone.  The brain and stem sit in a body of liquid called the cerebral spinal fluid.  The brain and brain stem are encased in a bony structure called the skull.  On the inside of the skull are bony protrusions.  When the head suffers trauma the brain rocks back and forth on the stem within the fluid and can crash into the inside of the bony skull resulting in injury.  Some common types of injuries to the brain from traumatic events are:


This is when your brain is jarred causing shock or trauma.  Often you do not lose consciousness but you may feel dazed and off-balance.  You may also have decreased vision or memory, headaches, nausea, dizziness, and ringing in the ears can be common symptoms as well.


This is a bruise to the brain.  It causes bleeding in your brain and swelling.  The bruise is not always visible on your skin, but instead may be internal under the surface or on the surface of the brain.


This is when the skull actually cracks which can result in the broken bones cutting into the brain and causing bleeding or other damage such as lacerations and neurological deficit.


Is bleeding within the skull that collects and clots.  A mass of clotted blood forms between your brain and the skull.  This condition may not show up for a few days or even weeks.  Thus, oftentimes an initial CT scan at the emergency room does not pick up on this traumatic injury. 


This is bleeding outside the skull that collects and clots.  It often forms a firm lump on your forehead or scalp.  This happens when there is bleeding under the skin.

To diagnose a traumatic brain injury a doctor needs to perform a neurological exam.  Additionally, there needs to be testing of your physical and mental reflexes.  Finally, other tests such as X‑ray, computerized tomography (CT) scan, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are diagnostic tests that should be performed as well.