MJ hope

Support Marjorie’s Hope

Marjorie’s Hope is a non-profit organization named in memory of Marjorie Paradis-Brownridge, a woman who lived with fierce devotion to her children and a passion for helping others. Marjorie’s life was tragically cut short when she was killed by a drunk driver on August 5th, 1996. However, her legacy lives on through the organization that honors her by continuing her work.

Marjorie was a single mother of two children, Andrea and Robert, aged 11 and 12 at the time of her passing. She was known for her vibrant personality, infectious sense of humor, and her deep devotion to her children. Marjorie was involved in various organizations from a young age, and particularly drawn to events that focused on helping children. Her love for horseback riding led her to volunteer with Horses for Handicapped.

Marjorie believed that personal appearances didn’t matter as much as what was in people’s hearts. She had a unique ability to connect with troubled teens and would often bring them to church in the back of her pickup truck. Her passion for helping others was evident in everything she did.

Marjorie’s children, Robert and Andrea, have grown into amazing individuals who actively help run the organization and volunteer with their families. Marjorie’s Hope provides backpacks and other donations to the same children she reached out to during her lifetime, continuing her legacy of love and service.

Marjorie’s Hope is a testament to the life of a woman who touched the hearts of many.

For more information, to volunteer, or donate, please visit their website. The Law Office of Philips & Raaymakers proudly supports this organization.