Social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Twitter, and others are a wonderful way to communicate with family and friends especially those that we do not get to see on a frequent basis.  Everyone you’re connected to can see your posts and photos and comment on them, as well as post statements and photos in response.  However, these same sites can also provide a wealth of information to the insurance companies and opposing counsel who use it to evaluate you and your personal injury case.  This information that you believe is privately shared between you and your contacts is not private at all as the courts have deemed the comments and photos posted to be discoverable evidence in a pending matter if it goes to the character or credibility of you or your case.  In every case, we have in litigation one of the first items the opposing counsel requests in their investigation of our client’s claim are their “social media sites” content as it relates to the case at hand.  Any postings or photos that could go to the issues in the case such as employment, activities of daily living, liability, injuries, or damages are all discoverable by opposing counsel and can be used against you and your case.  Your social media sites are being explored in accident cases, employment cases, family law cases, and criminal cases to name a few.  For example, we had one case in which the insurance company had searched our client’s Facebook pages without her knowledge and printed photographs that had been posted months after her accident of a mission trip she had chaperoned with her church.  They were all group photos with captions that talked about the zip lining and white water rafting the group had engaged in while doing mission work in Costa Rica.  The insurance company produced these photos to my office and accused our client of fraud, saying she obviously was not injured because she was able to engage in these strenuous activities months after the accident when she was supposedly injured.  We had to get sworn affidavits from everyone that had been on the mission trip confirming that our client had never engaged in any of these strenuous activities as she was unable to do so because of her injuries and had instead just acted merely as a chaperone accompanying the youth to the places where the zip lining and white water rafting took place.

Employers are also mining social media sites to keep tabs on their current employees as well as to evaluate the character of prospective employees who have applied for a position with the company.  Colleges are also searching applicants’ social media sites to determine if the candidates for admission are of good character.

Because of the potential detriment, social media can have on our clients’ cases, we advise everyone to not post anything about their case on any social media site from the day we take on representation to the end of that matter.  However, if our clients have already posted something on social media prior to our representation then we advise them that they are not allowed to delete it, or take it down as it is admissible evidence in their case.

The best rule to follow when it pertains to social media is to not ever post anything that could be construed, or used against you in the future to depict you or your case in a negative light.  If you should have questions concerning this or any other legal matters please feel free to contact my office.  We are always here for you.

