If you have the unfortunate experience of being involved in an automobile accident, or slip and fall incident you should always make the effort of preserving the evidence at the location of the incident and of your injuries.  In this day and age of cell phones, the phone camera at your immediate disposal is an excellent tool for the preservation of evidence.

At the car accident scene take photos of the following:

1)         The intersection/location where the accident occurred.

2)         The location of the vehicles involved.

3)         Traffic control devices such as traffic lights, stop signs, yield signs, etc.

4)         Weather conditions

5)         Debris on the roadway and the area involved.

6)         Detailed photos of the damage to each vehicle involved.

7)         The interior of your own vehicle to reflect the condition of the car post-impact, such as airbag deployment, items thrown about due to the force, etc.

8)         The license plates of the vehicles involved

9)         Witness contact information and their license plate if possible.

10)       Insurance card information of the parties involved.

11)       Photos of the individuals involved in the accident, including their passengers.

12)       Photos of your and your passengers’ injuries.

If you are involved in a slip and fall incident then take photos of the following:

1)         The area where your fall occurred.

2)         The condition of the area surrounding the fall site.

3)         The condition that you believe caused your fall

4)         The name of the business/businesses you believe was responsible for the maintenance of the area of your fall.

5)         The weather conditions at the time.

6)         Photos of any witnesses to the incident with their contact information photographed as well.

7)         Photos of your injuries.

8)         Photos of any signage in the area of the fall.

If you follow these simple guidelines and preserve the evidence of your injury claim, it will potentially make your case substantially stronger and aid your attorney in the presentation of your claim for damages.