Are college students covered?

For those of you that have children that are going to be starting college like Sharon, Jeannine, and myself, or children already in college, make sure you notify your insurance agent or insurance company that your child will be moving to college as a temporary residence and taking their vehicle with them.

If you don’t do this, then when the need for a claim arises you could be setting yourself up for a future coverage denial based on a coverage defense. Anytime someone who is a resident relative leaves the residence for an extended period of time to take up temporary residence elsewhere, such as college, or the military, but still declares your home as a primary residence then your insurance agent or company needs to be made aware of this.

Also, it is as important that when a vehicle that is listed on your policy as being garaged at your home is taken to a temporary residence, that you notify the insurance company of this change in vehicle residence. Don’t give your insurance company an opportunity to deny coverage at the time of a loss.

Additionally, you will want to look into purchasing a renter’s coverage if your child is renting a residence while away at college. The policies are very inexpensive and will protect the contents of your child’s temporary residence against loss.